关于参数化量子电路(PQC)的成本景观知之甚少。然而,PQC被用于量子神经网络和变异量子算法中,这可能允许近期量子优势。此类应用需要良好的优化器来培训PQC。最近的作品集中在专门针对PQC量身定制的量子意识优化器上。但是,对成本景观的无知可能会阻碍这种优化者的进步。在这项工作中,我们在分析上证明了PQC的两个结果:(1)我们在PQC中发现了指数较大的对称性,在成本景观中产生了最小值的呈指数较大的变性。或者,这可以作为相关超参数空间体积的指数减少。 (2)我们研究了噪声下对称性的弹性,并表明,尽管它在Unital噪声下是保守的,但非阴道通道可以打破这些对称性并提高最小值的变性,从而导致多个新的局部最小值。基于这些结果,我们引入了一种称为基于对称的最小跳跃(SYMH)的优化方法,该方法利用了PQC中的基础对称性。我们的数值模拟表明,在存在与当前硬件相当的水平上,SYMH在存在非阴性噪声的情况下提高了整体优化器性能。总体而言,这项工作从局部门转换中得出了大规模电路对称性,并使用它们来构建一种噪声吸引的优化方法。
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变形量子算法(VQAS)可以是噪声中间级量子(NISQ)计算机上的量子优势的路径。自然问题是NISQ设备的噪声是否对VQA性能的基本限制。我们严格证明对嘈杂的VQAS进行严重限制,因为噪音导致训练景观具有贫瘠高原(即消失梯度)。具体而言,对于考虑的本地Pauli噪声,我们证明梯度在Qubits $ N $的数量中呈指数呈指数增长,如果Ansatz的深度以$ N $线性增长。这些噪声诱导的贫瘠强韧(NIBPS)在概念上不同于无辐射贫瘠强度,其与随机参数初始化相关联。我们的结果是为通用Ansatz制定的,该通用ansatz包括量子交替运算符ANSATZ和酉耦合簇Ansatz等特殊情况。对于前者来说,我们的数值启发式展示了用于现实硬件噪声模型的NIBP现象。
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An Anomaly Detection (AD) System for Self-diagnosis has been developed for Multiphase Flow Meter (MPFM). The system relies on machine learning algorithms for time series forecasting, historical data have been used to train a model and to predict the behavior of a sensor and, thus, to detect anomalies.
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Objective: Accurate visual classification of bladder tissue during Trans-Urethral Resection of Bladder Tumor (TURBT) procedures is essential to improve early cancer diagnosis and treatment. During TURBT interventions, White Light Imaging (WLI) and Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) techniques are used for lesion detection. Each imaging technique provides diverse visual information that allows clinicians to identify and classify cancerous lesions. Computer vision methods that use both imaging techniques could improve endoscopic diagnosis. We address the challenge of tissue classification when annotations are available only in one domain, in our case WLI, and the endoscopic images correspond to an unpaired dataset, i.e. there is no exact equivalent for every image in both NBI and WLI domains. Method: We propose a semi-surprised Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)-based method composed of three main components: a teacher network trained on the labeled WLI data; a cycle-consistency GAN to perform unpaired image-to-image translation, and a multi-input student network. To ensure the quality of the synthetic images generated by the proposed GAN we perform a detailed quantitative, and qualitative analysis with the help of specialists. Conclusion: The overall average classification accuracy, precision, and recall obtained with the proposed method for tissue classification are 0.90, 0.88, and 0.89 respectively, while the same metrics obtained in the unlabeled domain (NBI) are 0.92, 0.64, and 0.94 respectively. The quality of the generated images is reliable enough to deceive specialists. Significance: This study shows the potential of using semi-supervised GAN-based classification to improve bladder tissue classification when annotations are limited in multi-domain data.
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In many high-dimensional prediction or classification tasks, complementary data on the features are available, e.g. prior biological knowledge on (epi)genetic markers. Here we consider tasks with numerical prior information that provide an insight into the importance (weight) and the direction (sign) of the feature effects, e.g. regression coefficients from previous studies. We propose an approach for integrating multiple sources of such prior information into penalised regression. If suitable co-data are available, this improves the predictive performance, as shown by simulation and application. The proposed method is implemented in the R package `transreg' (https://github.com/lcsb-bds/transreg).
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To simulate bosons on a qubit- or qudit-based quantum computer, one has to regularize the theory by truncating infinite-dimensional local Hilbert spaces to finite dimensions. In the search for practical quantum applications, it is important to know how big the truncation errors can be. In general, it is not easy to estimate errors unless we have a good quantum computer. In this paper we show that traditional sampling methods on classical devices, specifically Markov Chain Monte Carlo, can address this issue with a reasonable amount of computational resources available today. As a demonstration, we apply this idea to the scalar field theory on a two-dimensional lattice, with a size that goes beyond what is achievable using exact diagonalization methods. This method can be used to estimate the resources needed for realistic quantum simulations of bosonic theories, and also, to check the validity of the results of the corresponding quantum simulations.
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Despite significant advances, the performance of state-of-the-art continual learning approaches hinges on the unrealistic scenario of fully labeled data. In this paper, we tackle this challenge and propose an approach for continual semi-supervised learning -- a setting where not all the data samples are labeled. An underlying issue in this scenario is the model forgetting representations of unlabeled data and overfitting the labeled ones. We leverage the power of nearest-neighbor classifiers to non-linearly partition the feature space and learn a strong representation for the current task, as well as distill relevant information from previous tasks. We perform a thorough experimental evaluation and show that our method outperforms all the existing approaches by large margins, setting a strong state of the art on the continual semi-supervised learning paradigm. For example, on CIFAR100 we surpass several others even when using at least 30 times less supervision (0.8% vs. 25% of annotations).
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Learning how to navigate among humans in an occluded and spatially constrained indoor environment, is a key ability required to embodied agent to be integrated into our society. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end architecture that exploits Socially-Aware Tasks (referred as to Risk and Social Compass) to inject into a reinforcement learning navigation policy the ability to infer common-sense social behaviors. To this end, our tasks exploit the notion of immediate and future dangers of collision. Furthermore, we propose an evaluation protocol specifically designed for the Social Navigation Task in simulated environments. This is done to capture fine-grained features and characteristics of the policy by analyzing the minimal unit of human-robot spatial interaction, called Encounter. We validate our approach on Gibson4+ and Habitat-Matterport3D datasets.
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Camera images are ubiquitous in machine learning research. They also play a central role in the delivery of important services spanning medicine and environmental surveying. However, the application of machine learning models in these domains has been limited because of robustness concerns. A primary failure mode are performance drops due to differences between the training and deployment data. While there are methods to prospectively validate the robustness of machine learning models to such dataset drifts, existing approaches do not account for explicit models of the primary object of interest: the data. This makes it difficult to create physically faithful drift test cases or to provide specifications of data models that should be avoided when deploying a machine learning model. In this study, we demonstrate how these shortcomings can be overcome by pairing machine learning robustness validation with physical optics. We examine the role raw sensor data and differentiable data models can play in controlling performance risks related to image dataset drift. The findings are distilled into three applications. First, drift synthesis enables the controlled generation of physically faithful drift test cases. The experiments presented here show that the average decrease in model performance is ten to four times less severe than under post-hoc augmentation testing. Second, the gradient connection between task and data models allows for drift forensics that can be used to specify performance-sensitive data models which should be avoided during deployment of a machine learning model. Third, drift adjustment opens up the possibility for processing adjustments in the face of drift. This can lead to speed up and stabilization of classifier training at a margin of up to 20% in validation accuracy. A guide to access the open code and datasets is available at https://github.com/aiaudit-org/raw2logit.
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In this paper, we present PARTIME, a software library written in Python and based on PyTorch, designed specifically to speed up neural networks whenever data is continuously streamed over time, for both learning and inference. Existing libraries are designed to exploit data-level parallelism, assuming that samples are batched, a condition that is not naturally met in applications that are based on streamed data. Differently, PARTIME starts processing each data sample at the time in which it becomes available from the stream. PARTIME wraps the code that implements a feed-forward multi-layer network and it distributes the layer-wise processing among multiple devices, such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Thanks to its pipeline-based computational scheme, PARTIME allows the devices to perform computations in parallel. At inference time this results in scaling capabilities that are theoretically linear with respect to the number of devices. During the learning stage, PARTIME can leverage the non-i.i.d. nature of the streamed data with samples that are smoothly evolving over time for efficient gradient computations. Experiments are performed in order to empirically compare PARTIME with classic non-parallel neural computations in online learning, distributing operations on up to 8 NVIDIA GPUs, showing significant speedups that are almost linear in the number of devices, mitigating the impact of the data transfer overhead.
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